Reiki Level One ~ Practitioner                       £125 per person

Reiki can bring about positive changes in your life, aiding in personal and spiritual growth. The first level in Usui Method of Natural Healing is a holistic and empowering way to promote 'balance' in your life. Learn to channel Reiki energy for yourself, friends, family and even your pets and plants.

Joining this course will enable you to gain support throughout your Reiki journey from a growing Reiki community and your Reiki Master. You will have exclusive access to information about upcoming workshops, influence future courses, have your voice heard in a loving community, and have access to extra information about Reiki and Self-Healing practices outside of the course. Do something that your future you will thank you for.

With the current state of the world, businesses are developing and adapting themselves, and I want to do the same! I want Reiki to reach more and more people and so I want to modify the course to be online! You will be fully accredited and have the same support you do from an in-person course. You will be sent 4 distant attunements during the course, and another final attunement after the course has been completed, when you feel ready. Once you have completed the course, you can join any Reiki Level One course that I run in the future, free of charge, to top up your knowledge or join in the energy.

On the course, you will do:

On completion of this course you will receive: 

Reiki Level Two ~ Advanced Practitioner                   £222 per person

Reiki Level Two brings in a higher vibration of Universal Energy for use on yourself and for others. Start to work with the public and/or develop your self-practice. This course also gives you the tools to do distant / absent healing for people, places and situations that are not present. Learn about 3 of the 4 Reiki Symbols and take your practice to the next level.

Gather more material from this course than the average Reiki Level II, develop your Business and Enterprise skills in a creative and supportive community, and learn about the Psychology behind the client-therapist relationship and holistic treatments.

With the current state of the world, businesses are developing and adapting themselves, and I want to do the same! I want Reiki to reach more and more people and so I want to modify the course to be online! You will be fully accredited and have the same support you do from an in-person course. You will be sent 4 distant attunements during the course, and another final attunement after the course has been completed, when you feel ready. Once you have completed the course, you can join any Reiki Level One or Two course that I run in the future, free of charge, to top up your knowledge or join in the energy.

This course includes:


On completion of this course you will receive:

Reiki Level Three Comprehensive ~ Master Teacher       £450 per person

Join the lineage of Reiki Masters/Teachers that come before you. If you feel the calling to teach and take the next step in your Reiki journey, this course will empower you through your personal and spiritual development.

Reiki Level Three brings in a much higher frequency of Universal Energy for you to channel for yourself and for others. Learn about the Master Symbol, how to pass Attunements and how to teach Reiki Level One, Two and Three courses.

There is a larger degree of responsibility from completing Level Three in that you are becoming someone else’s Reiki Master. You will be taking on your own students, passing on the Reiki Energy and the knowledge that you have acquired from your practice and Reiki courses. Be sure that you are ready for that level of responsibility before you take part. This is something to be discussed in detail with your Reiki Master.

This Level is known as the ‘Reiki Master / Teacher Level’. Not everyone that completes this course teaches Reiki immediately. Some use it for their own personal and spiritual development.

For the comprehensive course, you will be required to assist on a Reiki Level 1 and 2 course over the time of your 5-day training. The traditional Reiki 3 courses require long term commitments from training Masters to assist on Reiki 1 and 2 courses. This is not always accessible for everyone. The aim of this course is to prepare you through coaching calls, one-to-one support, develop your own style of teaching, give you the tools you will need to continue to develop as a Reiki Practitioner and Reiki Master, and to empower you to feel confident in your ability to work with the Universe to inspire yourself and others on their Reiki journey.

 With the current state of the world, businesses are developing and adapting themselves, and I want to do the same! I want Reiki to reach more and more people and so I want to modify the course to be online! You will be fully accredited and have the same support you do from an in-person course. You will be sent 4 distant attunements during the course, and another final attunement after the course has been completed, when you feel ready. Once you have completed the course, you can join any Reiki Level One, Two or Three course that I run in the future, free of charge, to top up your knowledge or join in the energy.

This course includes:

On completion of this course you will receive:

To book on any of the courses, please contact us through social media.