Yoga Life Coaching

I want to take you on a journey to connect to the space within you that is intuitive, creative and without judgement.

Yoga is so expansive and vast. Most people believe that by doing some simple or advanced stretching, that they are doing yoga. This just isn't true. There are so many facets to yoga that people are often unaware of. Some of these have become mainstream on their own, like meditation or mindfulness. 

After what we have all been through, being affected by a global pandemic, people are beginning to wake up. More and more people are turning inward to find solutions. People want to reconnect to themselves. We can see the areas of our lives that are not working for us because we don't want to engage with them any more. You may be feeling this too. 

I believe that we all have the power within us to make big changes in our own lives. We have the power to change our thoughts, our feelings and our actions. You may want a big change in your life. You can now see habits that wont get you to where you want to be.  I can coach you to unlock your personal power and wisdom, and remind you of what is already within.

These coaching sessions will guide you through a personalised process of self-development and personal growth. I will combine the knowledge of ancient yogic practices like meditation and breath-work, life coaching, psychology and personal-growth techniques that you can apply to your daily life. You will be empowered with supportive tools and techniques to begin to create a life you want, achieve goals and understand yourself on a deeper level than ever before. 

Do you want to explore what coaching can do for you? Book yourself in on a consultation to discuss your first 6 week coaching cycle. Be supported on your journey to your dreams and goals.

Certified Yoga Life Coach ~ Transformation Academy