Its not about how it looks; it's about how it feels!

Hello and welcome to my website. 

I truly appreciate you taking the time to get to know who The Thoughtful Yogi is, and what it is all about.

Please continue to browse and if you have any questions, you'll find links to my socials at the bottom of each page.

Oh... I almost forgot! You can call me Jay 🙏

get to know me

I genuinely love showing people just how easy it is to connect with themselves. The joy of learning more about ourselves is something that lights me up! 

With a family history in holistic therapy and healing, my journey began at the age of 14. I sort out every book I could get my hands on, and tried every course I found interesting. As someone who wanted to control how the narrative of how and when I manifested and  always wanted to be 2 steps ahead of myself, I have learnt that its all about the journey.

I am passionate about learning and I am here to empower you with all the skills, tools and knowledge you need to start or continue your own journey of self-discovery. Through a range of practices, you can unearth the light and energy within, connect with yourself and others on a deeper level, and find your own inner zen.

I strive to show that yoga is a multi-facet practice that doesn't always involve stretching the body. Yoga is not a class but a pathway and guide to life. I believe that any type of self-development or time spent learning about yourself is Yoga. It's about finding the path that works for you, even if that means making your own way.


Today I am a Yoga Teacher and Spiritual Life Coach. Throughout my 15 year career, I have worked with people all around the world. I am pursuing my mission to reach the masses and help more people understand just how good it feels to connect. 

With a background in therapy and Psychology, my practice aims to combine philosophy, spirituality, science and history to help people create their own path to healing. There is no one set path the fix all. It's about finding what makes you light up, being kind to yourself and trusting the process. 

Are you following me on socials? 

A lot of my content is posted out on my social media, so make sure you give me a follow and be sure to check out my free podcast! 

Red Nose Day with ITV Yoga Workshop

Through Yoga, we managed to raise £440 for charity! What an opportunity it was to work with ITV and my amazing Yogini friends.

Yoga with Goats to promote sustainable farming

Sustainability is thrown around so often these days. It is something so important that everyone needs to understand. When we can all become self-sufficient, there will be some big shifts on a planetary level! In this Yoga with Goats workshop, I got the chance to be featured on a documentary on BBC North West all about "Staycations". There was a lot of laughter and a lot of Goats! Sometimes you just need to be a bit silly, and it was for a great cause! 

International Yoga Class in Thailand

My first international Yoga class, with people from all over the world. This was a great "after-flow-glow" moment for us all!