
£35 per hour

Reiki is a Japanese therapy that aims to promote the bodies natural healing through channelling energy into the body. Reiki translates to "life-force energy".

Many people report feeling a deeper awareness throughout their treatment. During the treatment, the practitioner will channel energy through means of gentle touch or holding hands above the body, depending of clients preference. 

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

£35 per hour

Otherwise known as "Tapping," this therapy is a theraputic intervention that stimulates acupressure points by tapping on them. During this time, attention and focus will be on anxieties, stress or personal fears in order to release strong emotional attachments and aid healing. EFT is for anyone that is ready to understand themselves on a deeper level and release unwanted feelings and attachments. This process is great for anyone with anxiety, stress, depression and even chronic pain.