Goat Yoga

Goat Yoga Classes

Have you ever wanted to flow through your Sun Sal's with a bunch of goats running around you? I mean, who hasn't?!

In this class you can expect a fun and interactive class that gives you the space to move your body and bond with a few goats in the process. This is something that is definitely on the bucket list.

There are bookings for attending classes and booking the goats for a private party. 

***PLEASE NOTE*** - all of the goats are happy to be there. They have space to interact with anyone in the class, and the space to rest away from the group if they choose to. 

For this class, follow the link below to book your space at Cronkshaw Fold Farm.

A little more info ...

Cronkshaw Fold Farm

Cronkshaw Fold is a small family business that has been passed down from mother to daughter. The family work and live here on the farm with the rest of the family, farming in a sustainable manner which improves habitats increasing wildlife numbers, farming in harmony with the natural environment.


In early 2016 they began their journey to become a certified organic farm. Since moving to the farm in 1991 (from the farm next door) they have planted over 4500 metres of hedges, hundreds of deciduous trees including oak, hazel, alder and ash, restored hundreds of metres of drystone wall and encouraged biodiversity in their hay meadows by securing funding to reseed them with native wild grasses and flowers. 

How did Goat Yoga even start?

I had been sent a message online from a friend telling me about a farm in Rossendale that had the idea of running a Goat Yoga class. This was a first time adventure for the farm and for me. Once we had worked out the kinks, it was time to put it out there and hope that this was something people wanted to get involved with. 

Around this time, BBC North West had contacted the farm about running a documentary on stay at home vacations or "stay-cations". On the day of filming the farm was running its first Goat Yoga class. The BBC couldn't miss out on the chance to see this live in action and so it was filmed as part of the documentary. 

The documentary can now be found online and has been viewed all around the world. The farm and the Goats have become world famous, with people travelling from as far as Japan, the USA, Canada and all over Europe to come and meet the Goats and join in a class. 


The documentary was so popular world wide that Amazon bought the rights so that it can be seen by all. 

If you haven't watched the documentary already, you can follow the link below to see first hand how truly amazing Cronkshaw Fold Farm is, and how incredible Goat Yoga can be.